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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management > Time Setup >
Entry Type

Entry Type is used to create and maintain "Activities" to create a "Time Entry ". For example, an employee can submit a "Time Entry" for normal pay processing and a "Claim Entry" for claims.


Steps to create an Entry Type:
  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Description - Enter the "Description" of the entry type.
    2. Workflow - Select the "Workflow".
      1. Workflow is maintained under "LinkWeb - Company Administration - Approval Workflow".
      2. Users in the selected workflow will be the final approvers.The entry will go through the "User Workflow" in "User Maintenance" followed by the "Entry Type" workflow.
        1. For example HR approves all "Time Entries" and "Claim Entries". The claim entries is first approved the HR officials and then the employees reporting manager.
          1. Create a "Approval Workflow" with the HR user and assign the workflow in "User Maintenance" for the employees.
          2. Create a "Approval Workflow" with the reporting manager and tag the workflow to the "Claim" activity.
          3. When an employee submits a time entry it will be approved by the HR user.
          4. When an employee submits a claim entry it will be approved by the HR user and then by the reporting manager.
    3. Override Workflow - When "Override workflow" is enabled entries will be directed to the selected workflow in 2 above. Entries will not go through the the "User Workflow" in "User Maintenance".
      1. For example, expenses entries is approved by finance.
    4. Delete - "Delete" will disable the activity and it will not appear in any lookups.
    5. Save - Click on the "Floppy Icon".
    6. Expand into the details to add "Notes" and " Attachments". 

Additional Rules

Rule Code


Default Value


Force Start/End Time for NON Billable entries


Allow entry to overlap with leave applications when the entry is "Submitted".
When submitting these entries, the system will validate the date and time against the leave applications. If an overlap is found, then the entry will not be submitted.

TimeEntry.DefaultHoursPerDay Default duration hours to display on a new "Entry". Leave this field blank to use employee's shift hours.  0
TimeEntry.MaximumHoursPerDay Maximum duration hours per day for this entry type.  0

Figure 1: Entry Type